Our Courses

Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW)

To make any inquiry, please contact

Cape Town Campus

studentadmin1@stc-sa.co.za or

studentadmin2@stc-sa.co.za or



STC-SA Cape Town Pricing Prospectus

Durban Campus



STC-SA Durban Pricing Prospectus

Able Seafarer Deck

Able Seafarer Engine

Advanced Fire Fighting

Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher (AFF REFRSHER)

Competence in Security Awareness (CSA)

Crisis Management And Human Behaviour (CMHB)

Designated Security Duties (DSD)

Electronic Navigation Systems ( ENS FISHING)

Elementary First Aid (EFA)

Medical First Aid Including EFA (MFA Incl EFA)

Personal Safety And Social Responsibilities (PSSR)

Personal Survival Techniques (PST)

Safety Familiarization (SF)

Safety Officer Fishing ( SOF)

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

Basic STCW Course

Competence In Medical Care

Competence In Survival Craft And Rescue Boats (CISC)

Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training With Emergency Breathing System (BOSIET with EBS)

Further Offshore Emergency Training With Emergency Breathing System (FOET With EBS)

Helicopter Underwater Escape Training With Emergency Breathing System (HUET with EBS)

CA-EBS Initial Deployment




GMDSS (Long Range)


Short Range


STC-Southern Africa offers maritime training solutions and services, which encompass all aspects of Human Resource Development, Consultancy, Technical Assistance and Research.

We are sure to have a solution for your needs. STC-SA’s understanding of the unique needs of the African continent, positions itself well to provide an Africanised approach, whilst still maintaining the highest quality standards..